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CBIS Journal diterbitkan dua kali setahun, pada bulan maret dan september. Bidang penelitian yang diterbitkan meliputi data mining, text mining, data warehouse, online analytical processing, artificial intelligence, decision support system, Mobile Application, Software engineering, Software Testing, dll.
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Analisis Implementasi Software Inventory DPACK-R Pada PT Indragiri Makmur Sentosa Menggunakan Metode Fungsi Borda Heri Nuryanto
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Supply problems often faced by decision makers, especially in the areas of inventory, both in the production of goods and services. Basically a company that does the production process must perform inventory control to create a precision in planning the amount of production that will be sold to the market. If the amount of goods produced too few compared to the number of requests from consumers, it will result in loss of consumer confidence on the company so that the impact for companies which are losing the opportunity to earn profits and likely to pay much larger to meet the demand. Conversely, if the number of requests from consumers is smaller than the amount of goods produced, the company suffered losses of these conditions resulting from the increase storage costs, material waste not channeled, depreciation expense, interest embedded in inventory costs, insurance, taxes, engine failure, and decrease price. DPACK-R System is a kind of inventory management that are used by companies Indragiri Makmur Sentosa Yamaha dealer to make transactions demand for goods both in the number of parties or units. In this system other than inventory activity, there are several other activities such as: order entry, purchase, accounts receivable and payable, marketing, master, and systems.
Implementasi Importance Performance Analysis Untuk Mengevaluasi Pelayanan Website Bank Umum Di Kota Batam Welly Sugianto
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Importance performance analysis or IPA is a tool to evaluate and identify the major strengths and weaknesses of organization. This research attempts to understand the customer expectations and perceptions of website quality of a bank in batam city and shows the usefulness of the IPA in evaluating website quality attributes from customer perspectives in a bank. This research used 45 items from the website quality attributes and each item was rated using semantic scale. Responses were obtained from 280 usable questionnaires. The importance-performance analysis shows that 12 items fall into the “keep up the good work” quadrant, 9 items fall into the “concentrate here” quadrant, 9 items fall into the “low priority” quadrant, and 15 items fall into the “possible overkill” quadrant. The results of this research are useful in identifying areas for strategic focus to help organization develop the website quality strategies.
Sistem Pakar Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Untuk Diagnosa Pasien Yang Terinfeksi Virus Mers Cov ( Studi Kasus Di RSUP M.Djamil Padang) Lido Sabda Lesmana
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Virus MERS VoC (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus) Penyakit ini adalah penyakit sindrom pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona yang menyerang saluran pernapasan mulai dari yang ringan hingga berat. Gejalanya adalah demam, batuk dan sesak nafas, bersifat akut. Sistem Pakar adalah sebuah teknik untuk mempermudah kerja manusia. Sistem pakar ini bisa berupa software yang akan di implementasikan sebagai sumber informasi dan juga bisa di implementasikan berupa hardware. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah Forward Chaining Langkah yang dilakukan dimulai dengan pengumpulan data, pengembangan dan hasil. Sementara sistem informasinya adalah dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman yaitu PHP yang sudah di install di program sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Analisis Website Menggunakan Metode WEBQUAL 4.0 (Studi Kasus Pelanggan Di Kota Batam) Mesri Silalahi
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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This study aims to measure the effect of the quality of each dimension of 4.0 to satisfaction WebQual website users in Batam. To answer these problems, researchers collecting data in the form of primary and secondary data. The data collection was done by using questionnaires (questionnaire). The population in this study is the customer in Batam ever access or shop through where total respondents involved in this research were 100 respondents. The amount is determined by quota sampling technique due to lack of time, effort, cost. The collected data is processed and analyzed using SPSS statistical application assistance 19. To get an idea of ​​the quality of the website researchers conducted a descriptive analysis. Subsequent analysis is the analysis of verification is to measure the effect of each variable to the satisfaction of website quality. There is a positive and significant impact Usability (ease of use) to user satisfaction (user satisfaction). There is a positive and significant impact Information quality (quality information) to user satisfaction (user satisfaction). There is a positive and significant influence Service interaction quality (quality of service) to user satisfaction (user satisfaction).
Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Bagi Siswa Kelas X Sma Ananda Batam Steffi Adam
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dimanfaatkan pada semua aspek kehidupan manusia, tak terkecuali dalam bidang pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi bagi siswa kelas X SMA Ananda. Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Ananda Batam merupakan salah satu sekolah yang memanfaatkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Ananda dengan jumlah sampel 62 siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Statistik deskriptif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai pemanfaatan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi bagi siswa kelas X SMA Ananda Batam sebesar 76,94% dari nilai yang diharapkan.
Analisa Indeks Kinerja Pembelajaran Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Program Studi Sistem Informasi Di Kota Batam Yvonne Wangdra
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Improved ability to manage and develop the college has been very necessary, including using the principles of modern management oriented to quality, one of which is to improve the performance of lecturers as a tip of the spear. For the owners and managers of universities, the quality management system is essentially nucleated on continuous improvements to strengthen and develop the quality of graduates that can be absorbed by the agencies and organizations. Samples in this research are year 150 Information System program college students in Batam city, who are on their second semester during the 2014-2015 academic year. The method used in this research to assess faculty performance index is Scales Rating. Based on this research method, there are similar patterns found on the respondent’s answers to all the problem statements, where respondents mostly agree with the statements provided.
Persepsi Kegunaan Aplikasi Smartphone Whatsapp Instant Messaging Pada Kalangan Pelajar sasa ani arnomo
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Smartphone applications has been growing rapidly with proven many applications that can be downloaded for free on the internet. One smartphone apps harnessed and used as this research is Whatsapp instant messaging. The application is a chat application that is popular amongst smartphone users. Whatsapp instant messaging applications facilitate communication between users free of charge for use of internet data connection to send messages, pictures, video, and voice communications. The object of the research is the students, where they use the application to obtain information and exchange of information among fellow students like the subject matter, schoolwork, extracurricular activities or activities. The purpose of the research conducted to determine how perceptions of the usefulness of whatsapp instant messaging applications on the students.
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Implementation of information technology is hardware-based computer (hardware), software (software) and user (Users). Presently Information Technology has been fundamental. (Hardware) is the medium used to process information. Software (software) that systems and applications used to process inputs (input) to be informed. Users of the system are human (man) that psychology has a behavior (behavior) certain inherent, so that aspect in the context of human habits as a user (brain ware) of information technology is important as a determinant factor in every person running information technology. Sharing knowledge (knowledge sharing) is a very important part in knowledge management where this activity will make the knowledge or experience of students can spread wide and share to friends or the entire element is o the students environment . This study aims to determine the effect of the use of information technology to employee performance SMK Putra Jaya School.
Pengaruh Website Cinema 21 Terhadap Loyalitas Pengunjung (Studi Kasus Cinema 21 Kota Batam) Rika Harman
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

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Websites began to be known in Indonesia around 1998, in which only large companies can afford to have it. At that time, the website is a technology that is quite expensive to own. So many entrepreneurs and manufacturers discourage them to be able to have this media campaign. The steps of making a web services provider that offers low prices make these companies desire to have a cheap website just be a dream. That was then, now there are virtually billions of web pages that enliven the virtual world. Most of these are commercial web site that is business and commerce. Apparently the media campaign in the form of a website is very important in the business world. The proof lately many large and small businesses have used the website as a medium of promotion in marketing products or services. Websites that not only functions as a promotional tool but also as an effort to increase the prestige (prestige) of a company has made ​​a lot of bold entrepreneurs to pay high enough to have this online media. Often we ask questions when we attended seminars that discuss about the website, "Why have a website? Though a company would have been nice about her products mepunyai brochures or marketing experience in marketing". This question is very good, but we all know that the website can be accessed from all over the world so it can be viewed by potential customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it's certainly not going to be possible with marketing brochures and no matter how great, because there is no marketing who can distribute flyers throughout the country or no marketing is able to work 24 hours a day and 365 a year. But through a website product a company will be seen by hundreds of millions of people online every day to use email, chat, search for information, buy products in online stores, even mere entertainment. The majority of Internet users (young people and businessmen) would expect a company to have a website. It is now common people say, "Good product, want to see on the internet." or "what company it is, the website address where?. Website accessed much more quickly, more easily understood and effective in terms of cost when compared to other media. Via a website we can put articles, pictures, or any sort of detailed product information and even online stores online map that can guide us to our own office (with the help of Google Map example). websites can be an important part of company's promotional and marketing strategies. Creation website marketing needs to be a serious agenda. More than that can increase the reliability of the company's website.
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.971 KB)


Pada penelitian ini penulis melakukan penelitian pada pemilihan Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Sungai Penuh menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), pada pemilihan ini diperlukan pemilihan kriteria dan alternatif, serta menghitung bobot dari hasil survey kuisioner kepada para responden di Sungai Penuh. Setelah itu, perlu dilakukan uji konsistensi untuk menguji validitas dari hasil yang diperoleh, dan menetapkan alternatif dengan bobot terbesar sebagai pilihan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota menggunakan metode AHP, dapat dibuat hierarki keputusan dari tingkat paling atas adalah tujuan, yaitu mencari prioritas tertinggi untuk Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Sungai Penuh yang akan terpilih. Kemudian faktor kriteria dalam memilih alternatif Walikota dan Wakil Walikota, yaitu: visi dan misi, pendidikan, partai pengusung, organisasi, dan riwayat pekerjaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan metode AHP yang dilakukan, diperoleh prosentase prioritas kriteria pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota dari yang tertinggi ke yang terendah yaitu: Visi dan Misi dengan nilai 24,9%, kemudian Pendidikan dengan nilai 24,3 %, Organisasi dengan nilai 22,5 %, Partai Pengusung dengan nilai 18,8 %, dan yang terakhir Riwayat Pekerjaan dengan nilai 9,5 %.

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